EasyCashWire Inc.
About Us

Our President & CEO ,
Mr. Andy Bowdoin

He started his sales career working with the Dale Carnegie Courses in the early sixties and later worked with the Napoleon Hill Leadership Program.

Andy has trained thousands of sales people during his career and started several companies.

He expanded a 60-minute dry cleaning franchise throughout the Southeast and Midwest.

He developed a company that sold wireless communication franchises throughout the U.S. and then started a company to market credit card processing for merchants.

In 1999, Andy did research and discovered a need for GPS Tracking for fleet vehicles and GPS Tech was created.

In 2006, Andy again saw a new opportunity - the need for a new way to deliver advertising to the masses and AdSurfDaily was born. He quickly assembled a team of 100+ associates who have joined with him to create what will become the largest Internet Advertising Company in history.

WELCOME to the TEAM!!!


AdSurfDaily President, Andy Bowdoin, was invited to Washington,D.C., this week, by United States President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to receive the Medal of Distinction, at the White House.  This is a very special honor for his contributions in business.  We commend him for all of his service and leadership.  Congratulations to our company President, Mr. Andy Bowdoin.          
                                    - Jun 19, 2008


Listen to what Andy has to say in this clip. As soon as you get on the site, click "new member success video" on YouTube; it will automatically load. then "watch again" or the appropriate link to listen to Andy and one of the attorneys for the company speak. There is also a link to forward to people. Click below to start..

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ASD is the industry leader now...for advertising and revenue...people who have never made a dime online before are experiencing great success..and for some builders the incomes being made are replacing their primary businesses

They are an advertising company that pays you back rewards when you purchase advertising...similar to what a credit card company does with cash back rewards

Have a downline or a team?...bring them all in...have many websites in rotation instead of just one...get in, and bring some of your struggling team members that are asking for advertising ideas...you can clean up here

Start earning immediately...no waiting

It's never been so easy...go to the website and join free to get an inside look...check out everything there then get back with me with any questions

60,000 members now and growing..all looking at your websites...since October '06...now it's exploding...word is out they are paying and have been paying for over 2 years

Everyone will know about this company soon

About the Owner...


AdSurfDaily President, Andy Bowdoin, was invited to Washington,D.C., this week, by United States President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to receive the Medal of Distinction, at the White House.  This is a very special honor for his contributions in business.  We commend him for all of his service and leadership.  Congratulations to our company President, Mr. Andy Bowdoin.

Here's something recently forwarded to me from my sponsor regarding Andy

Jackie...Found this on Google, take the time to read it, I was impressed

Every now and then someone develops a program that is truly advantageous for the entrepreneurial business industry. Ad Cash Generator is more than advantageous, it is a giant in it's infancy.

It takes a true entrepreneur and visionary to analyze the market and based on that assessment, engineer a program from the ground up. The results of which, enable a business on or offline to advertise to thousands of people and also allows those advertisers to make back a rebate on every single advertising dollar.

Who is this visionary you may ask? His name is Andy Bowdoin. Andy has been in the forefront of many futuristic industries over his life time, such as bag cell phones and once the industry was deregulated Andy was at the lead with Pay Phone sales.

In fact, he was even instrumental in developing a GPS solution for protecting women and children from sexual predators.

Owner Integrity is Important

A Quote Courtesy of Technology News demonstrates what a selfless and caring human being Andy truly is.

Bowdoin says, "We've studied the problem for a long time; it pains me to watch the news every night and see the horrific crimes committed against women and children. I decided to do something about it and our program is called Ion Technology™.

Anytime I am looking at a business to participate in and build there are certain parameters that it must meet before I even consider investing my time or money in it.

First and foremost, is the integrity of the business owner and Captain of the ship. I always investigate their background in as far as possible to make sure they have solid reputation in the business world.

Everything I read about Andy was positive. All of the personal recommendations were " He is the real deal". Not something you find easily in today's back biting networking arena.

I didn't hesitate to take a serious look at Andy's latest business venture and neither should you. Here is why;

Every single business on and off the Internet must find a way to advertise and market their business. Otherwise they just whither away and die like a lone flower in the dessert. All of the enthusiasm in the world will not bring you business if no one can find you. So you as a business owner need to find ways to market your business or service to others.

Small Advertisers Win Big

Andy's latest venture is a paid to surf advertising system that pays the members back rebates for every advertising dollar they spend.

Similar to how many of the credit card companies are now paying consumers a rebate to shop and charge on their credit cards.

Contrast that to going into a newspaper or magazine and place an ad, they would ask you what type of ad you wanted to place and then charge you the appropriate amount for the ad. When the ad runs you may or may not get business from it but your nominal marketing budget is blown away with the wind.

Andy Bowdoin's Ad Cash Generator however, takes that original marketing budget and pays you back 125% of your advertising dollars in return for you surfing other advertiser's web sites. It only takes a few minutes each day to earn your rebates. So, in reality, it takes less time than placing an ad in print medium.

Each day you are given the option of upgrading your rebates into new ad package purchases thereby compounding your advertising dollars.

In the long run you begin to make more money on your advertising than you actually began with!

This ingenious system is the most innovative marketing method to be developed in years. It will give most entrepreneurs a huge break on the cost of their advertising and no matter how much they have to begin advertising with, the budget can develop into serious advertising
dollars in a fairly short amount of time.

Ad Cash Generator is a much more cost effective method for continuing to advertise your business than more conventional methods. It most certainly helps to level the playing field between the big boys and small entrepreneurs. In fact, Andy's goal is to make this program the largest advertising medium on the internet within the next couple of years.

So in conclusion, there are many ways to advertise your business, but the Ad Cash Generator got this entrepreneur's highest rating for being the most cost effective and efficient advertising medium available today.


Jackie & Eugene B.
(c) 510-459-7342
Skype Address - n/a
Yahoo IM handle - jtaliai

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